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Art & Design

Year 3


In Year 3 children will learn:

  • to use a sketchbook for experimenting and planning and use these skills and effects in a final piece of work

  • to explore complementary colours, colour as tone, warm and cold colours

  • to create work in response to natural and manmade objects

  • to plan a sculpture

  • to explain what he/ she likes and dislikes about their work

  • about artists in history

Year 4

In Year 4 children will learn:

  • to use a sketchbook for collecting ideas and developing work

  • to draw objects with correct proportions 

  • to create different effects by using tools and techniques

  • to experiment with creating mood, feeling, movement and areas of interest

  • to print on fabric

  • to adapt and improve work using skills taught

  • to use technical terms to articulate how to make improvements to work

  • to describe some of the key ideas, techniques and working practices of artists, architects and designers

Year 5


In Year 5 children will learn:

  • to develop ideas and explain choices for the materials and techniques used

  • to investigate and use unfamiliar materials and techniques

  • to represent things seen, remembered or imagined in three dimensions using lines, tone and shading

  • to mix colours to express mood, divide foreground from background or demonstrate tones

  • to develop skills in using clay

  • to add a range of collage materials to a background

  • to return to work and use a wide range of materials

  • to research various artists, architects and designers and discuss their processes and explain how these were used in the finished product to evaluate work


Year 6


In Year 6 children will learn:

  • to select ideas and develop these through research

  • to refine learnt techniques

  • to adapt final work following feedback

  • to begin to develop an awareness of composition, scale and proportion

  • to use simple perspective in their work using a single focal point and horizon

  • to use techniques, colours, tones and effects in an appropriate way to represent things seen

  • to produce intricate patterns and textures in a malleable media

  • to use and explain choices for different techniques, colours and textures in sculptures/ textiles

  • to create intricate printing patterns by simplifying and modifying sketchbook designs

  • to follow a design brief

  • to describe the work and ideas of various artists, architects and designers, using appropriate vocabulary and referring to historical and cultural contexts

  • to justify preferences towards different styles and artists

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