Swimming at Hamstel
We are very proud to have our own indoor swimming pool here at Hamstel School. Children in years 3, 4 and 5 swim once a week for half the year.
All children are expected to participate in swimming lessons unless there is a medical reason to prevent this. If this is the case we must have a letter from you to confirm the reason.
Children will need a costume, a swimming hat and towel clearly marked with their name, in a waterproof bag. All children will be expected to wear a swimming hat. This is to protect hair from damaging the pump and filters and also so that children’s hair will be drier on returning to the classroom. Please do not give your children talcum powder to bring in.
The school has a supply of good quality hats for sale, priced at £2.50, that can be purchased via ParentPay and collected from the office. If you are buying your own please do not buy red hats, unless your child suffers from a medical condition that warrants special care whilst in the pool e.g. asthma.
Jewellery should not be worn. Ear studs are best left at home on swimming days, but if they are worn the child must be able to remove them as they will not be allowed to swim with them in.
The cost for swimming this term is £25, which should be paid on Parent Pay as soon as possible.
Useful Documents
Swimming letter Spring term - Year 3
Water & Swimming Safety Awards Outcome