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Hamstel Houses

At Hamstel Junior School we have a house system where children earn House Points by demonstrating fantastic effort in their work, good manners and great behaviour. 

House Shield - Buckingham (Electronic).png
House Shield - Windsor (Electronic).png
House Shield - Sandringham (Electronic).png
House Shield - Balmoral (Electronic).jpg

House Captains


Each year, eight year 6 children are selected to represent their house. The children are responsible for leading their house and setting a great example to the rest of the school.

house captains - photo for webiste.jpg

Remembrance Day Service


Our house captains, together with the Combined Forces Cadets from Wescliff High School for Boys, play a key role in our annual remembrance day service.

Rememberance day service.JPG
Rememberance day wreath.JPG
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