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PTA/Friends of Hamstel

About the PTA (Parent, Teacher Association) / Friends of Hamstel


All parents and carers of children at the Hamstel Schools and all teachers, are automatically members of the PTA. We also welcome and encourage extended family members, non-teaching staff, and people from the local community with close links to the school to get involved.


Meet the Team


Chairperson: Kate McCrae

Vicechair: Lorraine Walter

Secretary: Nina Kirby-Duboux / Ronnie Fisher

Treasurer: Melba Whipps


The school elected core members:

Mrs C Farrell Headteacher of Hamstel Junior School

Mrs V Tracy Vice Principal of Hamstel Infant School and Nursery

What do we do?


We organise a variety of events throughout the year such as a Summer Fayre, Mother’s Day Sale, Raffles and Father’s Day Sale. We aim for our events to be affordable and fun for our children and families and help to raise money for the schools.


We have general meetings every term as well as other meetings over the year to plan our activities. All PTA members are welcome to come along.


Why do we do it?


Our PTA / Friends of Hamstel is a registered charity which raises funds for the schools. Our fundraising contributes towards any projects or new equipment the schools may need to support or enhance the children’s education and day to day school life.


Contact us


If you would like to join our PTA / Friends of Hamstel then please contact us via either of the school offices.


PTA Meeting Dates


Please feel free to come along to our meetings or assist us with any of our forthcoming events. We would love to see you.


Next Meeting:



Calendar of PTA Events



School Lottery

Both Hamstel Junior School and Hamstel Infant School often work together to raise funds for the benefit of all our children. You can also help to raise money for our school by purchasing both of the below third party sundries.

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