Hamstel Junior School
Hamstel Road, Southend on Sea, Essex, SS2 4PQ - 01702 468048
Excellence in Everything
RE (Religious Education)
Year 3
In Year 3 children will learn:
to develop religious and moral vocabulary to describe key features
to know the function of aspects within religious practices
to begin to identify impact of religious teachings
to recognise influences religion has on lives
to identify ultimate unanswerable questions and behaviour
to recognise and ask questions about religious and moral values
Year 4
In Year 4 children will learn:
to develop religious and moral vocabulary to describe key features
about the function of aspects within religious practises within and between religions
to begin to identify impact of religious teaching including interpretation
to recognise influences religion has on lives, cultures and communities
to identify ultimate unanswerable questions and behaviour and start to develop own answers
to recognise and ask questions about religious and moral values and how they can influence behaviour
Year 5
In Year 5 children will learn:
to identify and develop key features of religions using appropriate vocabulary
to identifty and describe similarities and differences between religions
to describe meaning of symbols and actions and show that these may be interpreted in different ways
to ask questions of identity and belonging, suggest own answers
to raise questions and suggest answers to ultimate questions
to ask questions about right and wrong suggesting moral and religious teaching
Year 6
In Year 6 children will learn:
to develop vocabulary to explore and suggest reasons for similarities and differences in between different religions
to explain and explore how beliefs and ideas lead to diverse practise in between religions
to explain reasons for diverse forms of expression
to explore and suggest reasons for own and other's views including ideas about human identity and experience
to explain own philosophical, moral and religious responses to question and explore views of others
to explain with reasons views about moral and ethical issues and explain their own views and those of others