Hamstel Junior School
Hamstel Road, Southend on Sea, Essex, SS2 4PQ - 01702 468048
Excellence in Everything
Educational Visits
Educational visits are arranged for children in connection with work being undertaken. Such visits form an important and integral part of our curriculum in terms of stimulating and broadening children’s learning and in giving ‘first hand’ experiences.
More information trips can be found on the Year Group pages.
Residential Trips
Our trips offer a wonderful opportunity for the children to develop their independence and confidence as well as their ability to socialise and work collaboratively.
Our year 5 children go to Skreens Park in Chelmsford for a night in May. The children work on their team building and survival skills!
Our year 6 children visit Kingswood for three nights in June. They participate in a number of exciting and challenging adventurous activities.
More information regarding the trips can be found below.