Hamstel Junior School
Hamstel Road, Southend on Sea, Essex, SS2 4PQ - 01702 468048
Excellence in Everything
About Us
I am pleased to introduce myself as the Headteacher of Hamstel Junior School, and feel an enormous sense of pride and privilege to familiarise you with our amazing school. I hope you find the website helpful and useful and that it provides you with the information you need.
Hamstel Junior School is situated to the East of Central Southend, on a hill above the sandy end of the Thames Estuary. It is very close to the Southend East railway station and on several bus routes, as well as a short walk from the beach!
Our fantastic, dedicated staff here at Hamstel Junior School are committed to providing the very best for your child. We recognise that entering a new school for the first time is a very important step in your child's life and this site aims to assist you in this, as well as answer any questions you may have.
If you are an existing child, parent or carer at the school, we also hope you find the updated information useful, as well as the links to out latest videos, Facebook and Twitter feeds. We are constantly trying to make communication routes as good as they possibly can be in order to ensure that you feel updated about school life. If you have any queries that cannot be answered through this site, then do not hesitate to come into the school and speak to one of our excellent administration team. They will be more than happy to assist and find you the help you need.
It is hard to reflect in a school website the overall feel and ethos of our school so, if you are interested in your child attending our school, please do not hesitate to contact us to have a tour. You will then be able to experience the happy atmosphere that exists and observe the learning going on in and around the school.
Yours sincerely
Mrs Christine Farrell

Values & Ethos
At Hamstel we aim:
To welcome each child into a caring community, so that by being valued they learn to value others.
To promote in each child confidence to do their best at all times and encourage them to be persistent to meet the challenges that they may encounter in life.
To promote in each child an enjoyment for learning and school.
To provide a stimulating and varied curriculum so that every child is encouraged to develop her or his understanding and skills to their fullest potential.
To promote in all our children an attitude of self-discipline, responsibility and independence so they, as adults, may make a real contribution to their community in a changing world.
We hope to give every child…..
The opportunity to develop the skills and acquire the understanding which provides a firm foundation for all future learning.
An education that is broad and balanced, covering all areas of the National Curriculum as well as important areas of health, safety, personal and social development and religious education
An understanding of all communities and the cultural diversity that makes the modern world.
The recognition that each child will develop at his or her own rate.
A sense of pride and respect for each pupil’s personal identity and fairness for all regardless of gender, race, social background or physical diversity.
The challenge, encouragement and understanding necessary to reach his or her full potential.
Hamstel Rights
We all have the right to...
Be Safe
Hamstel Habits
Portico Academy Trust - Values & Ethos
As primary specialists, Portico Academy Trust firmly believes that all our children, no matter their background, deserve the very best education, every day, every lesson, whatever the context. Through close professional collaboration and sharing best practice, initiatives and expertise, we want every child to experience a breadth of opportunity across the diverse cultural background of our country.
We will develop strong leaders and make our schools supportive communities for staff and parents, where mutual respect is paramount. We are passionate in protecting our environment and encourage positive views and actions in the wider world.
We believe it is vital that each child acquires the essential key skills they will need to secure the fundamental building blocks of learning. In creating an exciting curriculum, expertly delivered, our children will leave us well prepared for their future lives with a love of learning and with an enthusiastic, independent, inquisitive and risk taking mind-set.
We want the best learning experience for every child, every day.
We recognise that learning is the key to every child’s future.
We meet challenges head on and find creative solutions.
We treat all members of our school community and our environment with respect.
To create a family of outstanding schools with clear purpose, direction and objectives
To provide environments where teaching and learning is paramount and children enjoy and are engaged in a rich and relevant curriculum tailored to their individual needs
To narrow gaps in attainment with the intention of reducing inequalities
To ensure empowerment of all pupils to achieve their full potential
To create and foster a culture of high aspiration amongst all pupils, regardless of their social, economic or cultural background
To strive for excellence in teaching and learning
To ensure strong engagement in learning that fosters a lifelong learning ethos
To promote excellent progress for all learners.
To promote outstanding leadership and governance.
To establish a financial foundation to enable the Trust to fulfil its vision
To provide continual professional development and promote a well-resourced, high quality environment
To become the employer of choice
For each academy to be recognised as a centre of learning excellence, disseminating best practice within and beyond the Trust
To engage proactively with parents and the community in partnership to support pupil progress, wellbeing and achievement