Hamstel Junior School
Hamstel Road, Southend on Sea, Essex, SS2 4PQ - 01702 468048
Excellence in Everything
Year 5 English
Autumn Term
In the autumn term Year 5 children will:
have a reading age of 10 years
identify and work out the meaning of key words in the texts we read
retrieve and record information from fiction texts
summarise the main events from more than one paragraph
ask and answer questions about the text we are reading
discuss what we know about a character's thoughts and feelings from their actions
make predictions about what might happen next based on the evidence in the text
Spring Term
In the spring term Year 5 children will:
have a reading age of 10 years and 5 months
read aloud with intonation that shows understanding
retrieve and record information from non-fiction texts
use evidence from the text to support opinions about a character's thoughts and feelings
Identify the main themes of what we are reading
identify and discuss how the choice of language enhances meaning
Summer Term
In the summer term Year 5 children will:
have a reading age of 10 years and 10 months
explore the meaning of words in context
retrieve and record information from poetry
recognise fact and opinion in a text
identify the conventions of what we are reading
evaluate whether the use of language enhances a text
make accurate and appropriate comparisons within a text

Autumn Term
In the Autumn Term Year 5 children learn:
use joined and legible handwriting styles
create a plan which supports the structure of an independent piece of writing
use conditional conjunctions at the start of and within a sentence to suggest possibility
embellish simple sentences with a range of fronted adverbials
develop character through the use of noun phrases and careful choice of verbs
develop setting through the use of noun phrases
create sentences which include relative clauses to extend detail
correctly punctuate relative clauses
choose vocabulary for precision
use adverbials and pronouns within paragraphs to create cohesion
use a variety of organisational and presentational devices to structure text and guide the reader
integrate dialogue to show character
create -ed clauses/relative clauses with omission of pronoun and choose where they go in the sentence
create expanded noun phrases to describe both setting and character and use prepositional phrases to expend noun phrases
write sentences with more than one clause, making choices as to the order those clauses go in
make links to across paragraphs through the use of adverbials of time, place and number
consider the audience when writing the end of the text
proofread writing for spelling and punctuation errors linked to the Year 5 curriculum
evaluate and edit writing by making changes to the vocabulary, grammar and punctuation linked to the autumn term curriculum
Spring Term
In the Spring Term Year 5 children learn:
use relative clauses to add detail to narrative in terms of character setting and plot
select vocabulary to assist the understanding of the reader
use relative clauses to add necessary detail to a non-fiction text
use compound sentences to create cohesion
evaluate and edit by ensuing mostly consistent and correct use of tense throughout writing
enhance use of dialogue by using prepositional phrases within the reporting clauses
describe character and setting by creating metaphors, similes and onomatopoeia
express and maintain a viewpoint
make links across paragraphs through tense choice
use modal verbs to express degrees of possibility and certainty
express opinions through direct and reported speech
proofread writing for spelling and punctuation errors linked to the Year 5 Curriculum
evaluate and edit by ensuring there is correct subject and verb agreement when using singular and plural
Summer Term
In the Summer Term Year 5 children learn:
create rhetorical questions as a way of considering the audience
describe a setting using personification
describe atmosphere through the use of 'empty words'
evaluate and edit by ensuring written language is distinct from spoken language
create a variety of fronted adverbials within and across writing punctuating them accurately
embellish simple sentences trough a full range of noun phrases, adverbial phrases and prepositional phrases
use a variety of ways to create complex sentence with accurate punctuation
use a combination of rackets, dashes and commas for parenthesis
proofread writing for spelling and punctuation errors linked to the Year 5 curriculum
evaluate and edit work by making changes to grammar and vocabulary linked to the Year 5 curriculum
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling
Autumn Term
In the Autumn Term Year 5 children will:
spell words containing the letters -string -ough
spell words with silent letters
spell words ending in -able, -ably and -ible and recognise which ending is more likely for an unfamiliar word
use the first 3/4 letters of a word to find the correct spelling in the dictionary
identity the four sentence types and how to punctuate them correctly
write the four sentence types correctly
identify where commas are needed to mark lusts, mark adverbials, clarify meaning and avoid ambiguity
identify and use a range of determiners to clarify meaning (include pronouns as determiners)
identify noun phrases and expanded noun phrases in sentences
use prepositions to expand noun phrases
spell the list of 'Autumn Term Words We Need To Know'
spell given homophones and chooses which to use in the context of sentences
spell words ending in -ant -ance -ancy -ent -ence -ency and recognise which ending is more likely for unfamiliar words
punctuate direct speech accurately
identify main, subordinate and relative clauses in a sentence and understand their purpose
identify what makes a sentence simple, compound or complex
Spring Term
spell words with the endings -cial and -tial and recognise which is the more likely ending for unfamiliar words
adds suffixes which begin with vowel letters to words ending in -fer
identify all past and present verb forms; create all past and present verb forms from infinitive verbs
punctuate bullet points consistently
identify and write relative clauses with the relative pronoun omitted
identify where rackets, commas and dashes have been used correctly for parenthesis
spell the list of 'Spring Term Words We Need To Know'
use a hyphen to join prefixes which end in a vowel to a root word which begins with one
spell given homophones and chooses which one to use in the context of the sentence
convert singular nouns into plural nouns accurately
convent direct speech into indirect speech
identify whether a model verb is used to suggest possibility or certainty
Summer Term
spell words with the 'ee' sound spelled ei after a 'c'
identify root words to enable the correct spelling of words containing the root
convert nouns or adjectives into verbs using suffixes (-ate, -ify, -ise)
understand how verb prefixes change the meanings of verbs
use colons and semi-colons to mark clauses
spell a range of homophones and make the correct choice dependent on context
spell the tire list of 'Year 5 Words We Need to Know'
identify the full range of pronouns and demonstrates how to use them correctly in a sentence
identify where the active voice has been used in a sentence and write a sentence in the active voice
idenfity whether a word has been used as a preposition or a conjunction in a sentence where the word can function as both (before, until, after)