Hamstel Junior School
Hamstel Road, Southend on Sea, Essex, SS2 4PQ - 01702 468048
Excellence in Everything
Year 3 English
Autumn Term
In the autumn term Year 3 children will:
have a reading age of 8 years
discuss the meaning of words in context
retrieve and record information from a variety of fiction texts
identify the main themes of what we are reading
ask and answer questions about the text we are reading
Spring Term
In the spring term Year 3 children will:
have a reading age of 8 years and 5 months
retrieve and record information from a variety of non-fiction texts
summarise the main ideas from more than one paragraph
discuss what we know about the character's thoughts and feelings from their actions
make predictions about what might happen next based on the evidence in the text
Summer Term
In the summer term Year 3 children will:
have a reading age of 8 years and 10 months
retrieve and record information from a variety of poetry
use evidence from the texts to support our opinions about a character's thoughts and feelings
Identify and discuss words which make the reader interested
Discuss how the organisation of texts contributes to meaning

Autumn Term
In the Autumn Term Year 3 children learn:
to write upper and lower case letters of the correct size, orientation and relationship to each other
to join letters appropriately
to use spacing between words that reflect the size of the letters
to create a story map which supports the structure of a piece of writing
to embellish simple sentences using adjectives, adverbs of time and prepositions to describe settings
to use coordinating conjunctions to create compound sentences
to puncture the beginnings and ends of sentences accurately
to create a story map which has been learnt from the structure of another piece of writing
to embed prepositional phases in writing to express time, cause and place
to choose nouns and adjectives for clarity ad cohesion
to use simple adverbials at the start of sentences
to embellish simple adjectives, adverbs of time and prepositions to describe character
to elaborate on endings
to proofread writing for spelling and punctuation errors linked to the Autumn Term curriculum
Spring Term
In the Spring Term Year 3 children learn:
to create a formal plan which supports the structure of a piece of writing
to embellish simple sentences using adjectives, adverbs of time and prepositions to advance the plot
to express time, cause and place through the use of adverbs and fronted adverbials
to create sentences of three for description
to organise writing using headings and subheadings
to elaborate on openings
to create dialogue which describes character
to use superlatives and comparatives to enhance description
to create sentences of three for persuasion
to use short, simple sentences to create effect
to use the present perfect tense instead of the simple past
to proofread writing for spelling and punctuation errors linked to the Spring Term curriculum
to evaluate and edit word by making changes to grammar and vocabulary
Summer Term
In the Summer Term Year 3 children learn:
to use dialogue to advance the action
to use topic sentences to introduce non fiction paragraphs
to write sentences with more than one clause using relative pronouns
to choose verbs for clarity and cohesion
to organise writing into paragraphs to group related materials
to create fronted adverbials to add in detail and punctuate them correctly
to create complex sentences using a variety of clause types
to use a variety of subordinating and coordinating conjunctions within a text
to choose single-clause and multi-clause sentences for effect
to choose specific vocabulary to match the content of the text
to proofread writing for spelling and punctuation errors linked to the Year 3 curriculum
to evaluate and edit work by making changes to grammar and vocabulary linked to Year 3 curriculum
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling
Autumn Term
In the Autumn Term Year 3 children will:
to write from memory simple sentences, dictated by teacher, which include the spelling and punctuation taught so far
to use the first two or three letters of a word to check its spelling in the dictionary
to add suffixes beginning with vowel letters to words and recognise if the spelling of the original word needs to change
to add the suffix -ly to an adjective to form an adverb and recognise where the spelling of the adverb needs to change
to identify the subject and object in a simple sentence
to punctuate a simple sentence using a range of punctuation
to recognise a noun/adjective/verb in a sentence
to recognise the four sentence types (statement, command, question, exclamation)
to identify whether to use 'a' or 'an' depending on whether the word which follows begins with a consonant letter or a vowel letter
to understand what a prefix is; know what the prefixes un- dis- and mis- mean; to spell words with these prefixes
what the prefixes pre- and re- mean; to spell words with these prefixes
to understand what a homophone is; to recognise common homophones; to spell given homophones
to spell the list of Autumn term 'Words We Need To Know'
to identify that prefixes are added to the beginnings of words and change their meaning; to identify that suffixes are added to the end of words and change their function
to identify where prepositions, conjunctions and adverbs are used to express time, cause and place
to identify the simple present progressive verb forms; to identify the simple past and past progressive verb forms
Spring Term
to write from memory simple sentences, dictated by teacher, which include the spelling and punctuation taught so far
to spell words which sound like 'shun' but are spelt 'sion'
to spell words with a 'k' sound which are spelt 'ch'
to spell words with a 'sh' sound which are spelt 'ch'
to identify the main clause in a sentence
to identify simple noun phrases in a sentence
to create simple noun phrases using articles, adjectives and nouns
to use commas to mark lists
to spell words containing the 'u' sound, spelt 'ou'
to spell given homophones, to recognise which homophone to choose determined by the context of the sentence
to spell the list of Spring term 'Words We Need To Know'
to identify the present prefect tense; to use the present tense instead of the past tense
to use inverted commas to demarcate speech
to form nouns using a range of prefixes
to identify word families from give common words
to identify the main and subordinate clause in a sentence
Summer Term
to write from memory simple sentences, dictated by teacher, which include the spelling and punctuation taught so far
to spell contraction word correctly
to spell word s which sound like 'shun' but are spelt '-tion', '-sion', '-ssion', and '-cian'; to recognise which is the most likely ending from an unfamiliar word
to identify word families from given common words; to classify the words within these families
to identify and use apostrophes for contraction
to identify synonyms for simple adjectives
to spell given homophones; to recognise which homophone to choose determined by the context of the sentence
to spell words where the 'i' sound is spelt with a 'y' not at the end of the word
to spell words with the 'ay' sound using 'ei' 'eigh' or 'ey'
to spell the entire list of Year 3 Words we Need To Know
to identify and classify adjectives/onions/adverbs and prepositions within a sentence and to explain their purpose