Hamstel Junior School
Hamstel Road, Southend on Sea, Essex, SS2 4PQ - 01702 468048
Excellence in Everything
We know that children do best at school when they are supported at home. In order to have the greatest impact on their learning in school we ask that you focus on supporting your child to acquire the key skills for reading, writing and maths.
Your child should read every night as we know that reading is the single most important skill for academic success. Children should also focus on learning the spelling patterns which are recorded each week in their home school diary and practising the ‘words we need to know’ for their year group.
To support their maths, children should learn the KIRFs (Key Instant Recall Facts) for that half term. These are sent home each half term and are also outlined in the children’s home school diaries. They can also be found in the maths area on the website.
All children should have a log in for TT Rockstars; daily practice of their times tables will help secure their knowledge and speed. Children are expected to know all their times tables, up to 12 x 12, by the end of year 4. In June, year 4 children, along with other year 4 children across the country, are required to complete a multiplication tables test which tests the children’s ability to recall random times tables questions within a set time limit (6 seconds per question).
Reading should be recorded each night in children’s home school diary; the diary can also be used to send brief messages to your child’s class teacher – children should let their teacher know if there is a message in their diary.
Our year 6 children have more formal homework in the spring and summer terms in preparation for their SATs and the transition to secondary school.
The expectations for each year group are outlined below and can also be found in your child’s home school diary.

Expectations for each week
Year 3
Reading - daily reading for approx. 15 minutes
Spelling - weekly spelling task - searching the books read at home for words matching the weekly spelling pattern/ learning the list of 'Words We Need to Know'
Maths - daily practice of the key skills (KIRFs) as outlined for each half term.
Year 4
Reading - daily reading for approx. 15 minutes
Spelling - weekly spelling task - searching the books read at home for words matching the weekly spelling pattern/ learning the list of 'Words We Need to Know'
Maths - daily practice of the key skills (KIRFs) as outlined for each half term.
Year 5
Reading - daily reading for approx. 15 minutes
Spelling - weekly spelling task - searching the books read at home for words matching the weekly spelling pattern/ learning the list of 'Words We Need to Know'
Maths - daily practice of the key skills (KIRFs) as outlined for each half term.
Additional homework will also be set for those children attending 11+ clubs or receiving additional support
Year 6
Reading - daily reading for approx. 15 minutes
Spelling - weekly spelling task - searching the books read at home for words matching the weekly spelling pattern/ learning the list of 'Words We Need to Know'
Maths - daily practice of the key skills (KIRFs) as outlined for each half term.
Year 6 pupils will be given additional more formal homework in preparation for the SATs and transition to secondary school.