Hamstel Junior School
Hamstel Road, Southend on Sea, Essex, SS2 4PQ - 01702 468048
Excellence in Everything
History Curriculum Intent Statement:
At Hamstel, we aim to create inquisitive historians and foster a love of history across all year groups. We believe that, by teaching history, we empower our pupils to foster a curiosity about the past; develop their own opinions based on a variety of historical sources, and build a deeper understanding of the present by engaging with and questioning the past.
Year 3
In Year 3 children will learn:
to describe the changes, key events and achievements in a particular period of time
to use appropriate language relating to that time period
to use an increasing range of common words and phrases relating to the passing of time
to describe memories of key events in his/her life using historical vocabulary
Year 4
In Year 4 children will learn:
to describe a particular time period and the impact it has
to place events in chronological order
to use appropriate language relating to that time period
to use a variety of source to discover about the past, and understand that they can contradict each other
to use sources of information to answer questions that go beyond simple observation
to communication learning in an organised way with correct terminology
Year 5
In Year 5 children will learn:
to describe the events, achievements and impact in a particular period of time giving reasons for them
to order events on a timeline
to present findings and accounts in a variety of ways
to compare sources of information available
to make comparisons with the present day
to understand that the type of information available depends on the time period
to evaluate the usefulness of a variety of sources
to present findings in different ways
to use more than one source to create a historical recount
Year 6
In Year 6 children will learn:
to describe the events in a particular period of time using evidence to support this
to devise valid questions about the time and construct informed responses
to use sources to support knowledge of the past
to undertake independent research using sources
to describe narratives chronologically across a time period
to use historical terms to make connections and contrasts